Physical Features and Migration Patterns Quick Check
Analyze the map to determine which body of water is closest to the Mediterranean Sea.
Niger River
Nile River ✅
Lake Victoria
Lake Chad 🗿
Which ancient kingdom was located on the Nile River?
Egypt ✅
Describe how the Bantu migration changed Africa’s cultural landscape.
The Bantu controlled trade along the West African coastline.
The Bantu demonstrated how to become hunter-gatherers.
The Bantu brought knowledge of iron tools and weapons. ✅
The Bantu adopted the language where they settled.
Explain how farming techniques changed with the Bantu migration.
The Bantu encouraged hunting of animals in the Sahel to protect the earth from overfarming.
The Bantu brought advanced iron tools and new crops such as cereal grains to the new regions they settled. ✅
The Bantu encouraged hunting-gathering for villages to grow.
The Bantu brought stone tools and new crops such as coffee and cotton to the regions they settled.
Explain how the Bantu languages spread.
They spread through ancient texts from West African kingdoms.
They spread on trade routes near the coast.
They spread during the migration across Africa. ✅
They spread through Europeans coming and looking for resources.
5/5 Have a nice day! :)
2 answers