YOu are diluting by a factor of 10 each time.
First tube (half water, half .1M)=.05M
Second tube=.005M
third tub=.0005M
Now check the first tube concentration, as I am not certain I intrepreted your Added right. It read as if it was half and half mixture.
pH Indicators
7 test tubes
Added 5mL of water of 0.1 HCl and 5mL of water to 1st test tube.
Poured 9mL of water to remaining 6 test tubes.
Poured 1mL of solution from 1st test tube to 2nd.
Poured 1mL from 2nd to third.
Poured 1mL from 3rd to 4th.
" " 4th to 5th.
" " 5th to 6th.
" " 6th to 7th.
I added 2 drops of bromothymol blue to each and recorded color.
What is the Concentration(M) and the pH of each test tube?
How do I start?
2 answers
Sorry, I meant 5mL of 0.1M HCl and 5mL of water.