Persuasive: A Dream Realized?
In his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. claimed that the United States of his time was full of fear and not living up to its principles in protecting its people. He proved his point by providing experiences as evidence partnered with his hopes for his children’s futures. King concluded his powerful piece proclaiming that one day all will be “[...]!” The question is, has Dr. King’s dream been realized? I assert that it [has/has not].
First of all, the America of the 1960s was [...]. This is shown when King repeated, “[...].” He did so to show that [...]. Using this tactic produced a powerfully persuasive speech we still remember and study today. Today’s American audience hears this and feels [...] because [...].
Secondly, in the past sixty years [...]. Examining Dr. King’s words, “[...],” the reverend’s aim was to prove the point that power needed to be equally equitable to the people; however, that was 1963 and we’ve passed 2023. Sixty years after these words were spoken, America is [...]. When we revisit King’s speech today, [...]. Therefore, his dream [...].
Some people might argue the opposite because [...]; however, that is incorrect because [...]. Therefore, the argument stands strong that [...].
In conclusion, past listeners learned [...], and today’s audience [...]. MLK’s monumental speech dared Americans to dream. Ask yourself– are we still dreaming or [...]?
1 answer
In his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. claimed that the United States of his time was full of fear and not living up to its principles in protecting its people. He proved his point by providing experiences as evidence partnered with his hopes for his children’s futures. King concluded his powerful piece proclaiming that one day all will be "free at last!" The question is, has Dr. King’s dream been realized? I assert that it has.
First of all, the America of the 1960s was plagued by racial discrimination and inequality. This is shown when King repeated "I have a dream" throughout his speech. He did so to show that he envisioned a future where all individuals, regardless of their race, would be treated equally. Using this tactic produced a powerfully persuasive speech we still remember and study today. Today's American audience hears this and feels inspired because they recognize the progress that has been made in advancing civil rights and equal opportunities for all individuals.
Secondly, in the past sixty years, significant strides have been made towards achieving Dr. King's dream. Examining Dr. King's words, "I have a dream that one day [...]," the reverend's aim was to prove the point that power needed to be equally equitable to the people; however, that was 1963 and we've passed 2023. Sixty years after these words were spoken, America is more diverse and inclusive than ever before. When we revisit King's speech today, we can see the impact it has had on shaping our society. Therefore, his dream has indeed been realized to a great extent.
Some people might argue the opposite because they believe that racial inequality still exists and systemic issues persist; however, that is incorrect because significant progress has been made towards achieving racial equality. Therefore, the argument stands strong that Dr. King's dream has been realized, albeit with ongoing work and challenges.
In conclusion, past listeners learned the importance of equality and justice, and today's audience witnesses the progress that has been made. MLK's monumental speech dared Americans to dream. Ask yourself– are we still dreaming or are we living in the realization of Dr. King's dream?