Perspective drawings will utilize all method listed here except

A.keeping objects in the background smaller than objects in the foreground
B.having a value change from background to foreground
C.using a vertical line to establish where the sky and d round meet.
D. Using a vanishing point to guide the orthogonal lines.

1 answer

C. Using a vertical line to establish where the sky and ground meet.

This is not a method typically used in perspective drawing. Perspective drawing is about creating the illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface, and while it involves techniques such as having objects in the background appear smaller than those in the foreground (A), value changes to convey depth (B), and using vanishing points to guide lines (D), it does not specifically require the use of a vertical line to establish where the sky and ground meet. This could be a technique used in a specific picture to create a horizon line, but it is not a fundamental principle of perspective drawing as the others listed are.