People throughout the United States debated whether or not Congress should pass the Indian Removal Act. Below are some examples of statements from people who supported or opposed the Indian Removal Act. Read the opinions. Then decide whether each opinion is from someone who would have supported or opposed the act. (2 points)

• I am a Christian minister. I believe that I have a religious responsibility to help Native Americans stay on their land.
•I am an educated woman in New York. I believe that Native Americans' land will be illegally stolen from them if the Indian Removal Act passes.
• I am a farmer in Georgia. I know that if Native Americans leave their land, I will be able to claim some of it for myself.
•I am a senator from South Carolina. I believe that Native Americans are inferior to white people and should not live near them.

1 answer

Here are the opinions categorized as either supporting or opposing the Indian Removal Act:

  1. I am a Christian minister. I believe that I have a religious responsibility to help Native Americans stay on their land.
    Opposed to the Indian Removal Act.

  2. I am an educated woman in New York. I believe that Native Americans' land will be illegally stolen from them if the Indian Removal Act passes.
    Opposed to the Indian Removal Act.

  3. I am a farmer in Georgia. I know that if Native Americans leave their land, I will be able to claim some of it for myself.
    Supported the Indian Removal Act.

  4. I am a senator from South Carolina. I believe that Native Americans are inferior to white people and should not live near them.
    Supported the Indian Removal Act.