People change over time. Does a single event cause this change, or is it based on a series of events?

o If you choose a “series of events”, you will want to show how each one contributes to the character’s change

The one event in that “series of event” is Cheryl stops seeing her parents at the children's aid office

write an outline for that event

1 answer

I. Introduction
- Introduce the concept of people changing over time
- Discuss the idea that change can occur from a single event or a series of events
- State that the focus will be on a series of events that lead to Cheryl's change

II. Background information on Cheryl's situation
- Explain that Cheryl is a child who has been placed in the care of the children's aid office
- Describe her relationship with her parents and their frequent visits to the office

III. The series of events leading to Cheryl's change
- Event 1: Cheryl stops seeing her parents at the children's aid office
- Explain that Cheryl's parents suddenly stop visiting her at the office
- Describe Cheryl's initial confusion and disappointment
- Show how this event sparks a sense of abandonment and loss in Cheryl

- Event 2: Cheryl's growing independence in the absence of her parents
- Explain how Cheryl starts to rely more on herself and the support of the office staff
- Discuss her developing skills and resilience as she begins to adapt to her new situation
- Emphasize Cheryl's increasing self-reliance and personal growth

- Event 3: Cheryl's shifting perspective on her parents and her own future
- Describe how Cheryl starts to question her parents' ability to care for her
- Show her realization that she can create a better life for herself without relying on her parents
- Discuss Cheryl's growing determination to improve her situation and build her own future

IV. The cumulative effect of the series of events
- Explain that while each event individually contributes to Cheryl's change, it is the series of events that truly transforms her
- Discuss how the initial event of her parents' absence triggers a chain reaction of personal growth and independence
- Highlight the lasting impact of the series of events on Cheryl's character and outlook on life

V. Conclusion
- Summarize the main points discussed in the outline
- Reiterate the importance of a series of events in causing change in individuals
- Emphasize that Cheryl's transformation is a result of the cumulative effects of the events in the series