Materials needed:
- Penny
- Water
- Soap
- Eye dropper
- Paper towels or tissue
1. Start by cleaning the penny with water and soap to ensure it is free from any dirt or debris. Dry it with a paper towel or tissue.
2. Fill a small container with water, ensuring it is deep enough to submerge the penny completely.
3. Using the eye dropper, carefully take a few drops of water and place them on the penny's surface. Observe and record the number of drops that can be held before spilling over.
4. Empty the container and refill it with a small amount of soapy water. Ensure that the water is mildly soapy, not overly concentrated.
5. Repeat step 3, placing a few drops of soapy water on the penny's surface. Again, observe and record the number of drops that can be held.
6. Compare the results from steps 3 and 5 to determine the effect of adding soap to the water.
7. Repeat the experiment multiple times to ensure accurate results. Take an average of the number of drops held for each trial.
8. Clean and dry the penny after each trial to remove any residue and ensure consistent results.
9. If desired, you can also vary the amount of soap added to the water to explore the impact of different soap concentrations on the number of drops held.
10. Analyze the data and draw conclusions about the effect of adding soap to water on the number of drops that can be placed on a penny.
Penny droplet lab experiment
Water vs soapy water
Write Instructions
What effect does adding soap to water have on the number of drops that can be placed on a penny?
1 answer