Passage 1
Elephants are very powerful and graceful animals. The most common types of elephants are the Indian or Asian Elephant and the African Elephant. You can tell the difference between these elephants by looking at their ears. Indian elephants have very small ears. They are placed low and close to their head. African elephants have large ears which reaches over their shoulders. The tusks of the African elephants are much larger than those of the Indian elephants. However, among the Indian elephants, it is only the male elephant that has tusks. In case of the African elephants, both male and female have tusks.
Passage 2
Lions and Tigers
Lions and tigers, belong to the cat family. However, though they belong to the same family they are quite different. One of the most common differences is in the way they look. Lions do not have any stripes or marking on their bodies. Tigers, on the other hand, have big bold stripes on them. Tigers do not have a mane, while male lions have a mane around their face. Lions are usually taller than tigers while Tigers have longer bodies. Also, tigers are much more active than lions.
What overall structure do these two passages share?
question and answer
cause and effect
1 answer