Part III. Direction: You are given 6 questions representing the stages in implementing portfolio assessment. Assign a number to each question. No. 1 as the first stage and No. 6 as the last stage.

Assign numbering below based on the stages in implementing the portfolio.
Whom should I inform of being assessed using the portfolio?

Do I need support in the process of portfolio development?
What are the contents of your portfolio to be assessed?
How should I be assessed with the contents or activities I learned?
Should there be a guideline to be followed for a portfolio presentation?
What do I want to learn?

1. What is the sequence of the posted questions?

2. Why do we have that sequence?

3. If they are stages, why must we follow the sequence?

1 answer

1. What are the contents of your portfolio to be assessed?
2. What do I want to learn?
3. Do I need support in the process of portfolio development?
4. Whom should I inform of being assessed using the portfolio?
5. How should I be assessed with the contents or activities I learned?
6. Should there be a guideline to be followed for a portfolio presentation?

2. The sequence is as follows:
1. Determine the contents of the portfolio to be assessed
2. Identify what the individual wants to learn
3. Seek support in the process of portfolio development
4. Inform the necessary individuals of being assessed using the portfolio
5. Plan how the individual will be assessed with the contents or activities learned
6. Determine if there should be a specific guideline to follow for the portfolio presentation

3. Following the sequence is important in implementing portfolio assessment as it ensures that each step is completed in a logical order and builds upon the previous step. For example, determining the contents of the portfolio first is essential in order to then plan how the individual will be assessed based on those contents. Additionally, informing others of being assessed using the portfolio should come before the assessment itself to ensure transparency and fairness in the process.