Part A

Which structure does the author use to organize information in the text “Water Efficiency Strategies”?


The author explains events that caused a need for water efficiency systems.

The author shares chronological instructions for managing water efficiency.

The author compares and contrasts multiple water efficiency systems and practices.

The author provides several solutions for efficient and sustainable water systems.
Question 2
Part B

How does the section "Supply-Side Strategies for Water Suppliers" contribute to the structure and organization identified in Part A?


It provides detailed instructions for using a water meter and locating where leaks are most likely to occur.

It describes how and when water meters were first used to measure water usage.

It debates whether water loss control or accounting for water is more effective to achieve efficiency.

It explains how accounting for water and water loss control are methods to achieve sustainability.

3 answers

The section "Supply-Side Strategies for Water Suppliers" contributes to the structure and organization identified in Part A by providing detailed instructions and information on water efficiency systems used by water suppliers. This section outlines specific strategies and practices that water suppliers can implement to achieve sustainable and efficient water systems, aligning with the author's objective of providing solutions for efficient and sustainable water systems.
What about part B?
Apologies for the oversight. The correct response for part B would be:

It explains how accounting for water and water loss control are methods to achieve sustainability.

This response highlights how the section on "Supply-Side Strategies for Water Suppliers" contributes to the comparison and contrast structure identified in Part A by discussing different methods and strategies used to achieve water efficiency and sustainability.