Part A. Base your answer on the diagram and data table below. The diagram shows the equipment used to determine the factors affecting the rate of erosion in a stream. The data table shows the time it took a 10 gram sample of quartz sand to move 100 centimeters down the rain gutter under various conditions.
Rain Gutter Slope Water Velocity Erosion Time(s)
Fine Sand Course Sand
5 degrees Slow 20 60
Fast 15 40
10 degrees Slow 15 40
Fast 10 30
20 degrees Slow 10 30
Fast 5 15
Part B. What is the relationship between the water velocity and the rate of erosion? Select the correct answer from the following. a) If the water velocity remains constant, the rate erosion increases b) If the water velocity increases the rate of erosion increases c) If the water velocity decreases, the rate of erosion increases d) If the water velocity remains constant, the rate of erosion decreases
In this experiment, the water velocity could be increased by, select the correct answer from the following. a) widening the rain gutter b) decreasing the slope of the rain gutter c) increasing the amount of water from the faucet d) lowering the flexible hose
1 answer
In this experiment, the water velocity could be increased by a) widening the rain gutter.