Patriots made a strong case against British rule by showing how unfair it was. One way they did this was by pointing out the unfair taxes, like the Stamp Act. They said it wasn’t right to make them pay extra money for things like newspapers and tea without letting them have a say in the government. Another reason Patriots were upset was because the British soldiers were taking over their homes and making them feel scared. They used writing and speeches to explain that they wanted to be free and make their own choices. Overall, Patriots really wanted the British to understand that they deserved to be treated better and have their own voices.
Part 2: Make Conclusions from the Docs. Look at the information that you put into the table above for the four artifacts that you explored for this assignment. Answer the overarching lesson question using evidence from AT LEAST three (3) of the artifacts: How did “patriots” make a case against British rule? Your answer must be at least 5 full and complete sentences for full credit. Type your answer in the box provided. answer as a 7 year old
1 answer