Sentence 1:
- Adverb: yesterday
- Verb it modifies: arrived
Sentence 2:
- Adverb: wisely
- Verb it modifies: shop
Sentence 3:
- Adverb: always
- Verb it modifies: goes
Sentence 4:
- Adverb: softly
- Verb it modifies: landed
Sentence 5:
- Adverb: quickly
- Verb it modifies: gathered
Part 1 Directions: Read each sentence. In the Adverb column, list each adverb in the sentence. In the Verb it Modifies column, list the verb it modifies. THESE ADVERBS ARE ONLY MODIFYING VERBS.
1. A load of salmon arrived on the docks yesterday.
2. People who shop wisely can save a great deal of money.
3. Denise always goes to sales.
4. Our space probe landed softly on the moon today.
5. Quickly, we gathered our gear.
3 answers
: Read each sentence. In the Adverb column, list each adverb in the sentence. In the Adjective it Modifies column, list the adjective it modifies. THESE ADVERBS ARE ONLY MODIFYING ADJECTIVES.
1. She has been very lucky with her buys.
2. She bought a nearly new tent at the outdoors store.
3. She is amazingly skillful in both spending and saving money.
4. Where can you get a really tasty ice cream cone?
5. The boys were extremely nice to the new student.
1. She has been very lucky with her buys.
2. She bought a nearly new tent at the outdoors store.
3. She is amazingly skillful in both spending and saving money.
4. Where can you get a really tasty ice cream cone?
5. The boys were extremely nice to the new student.
Sentence 1:
- Adverb: very
- Adjective it modifies: lucky
Sentence 2:
- Adverb: nearly
- Adjective it modifies: new
Sentence 3:
- Adverb: amazingly
- Adjective it modifies: skillful
Sentence 4:
- Adverb: really
- Adjective it modifies: tasty
Sentence 5:
- Adverb: extremely
- Adjective it modifies: nice
- Adverb: very
- Adjective it modifies: lucky
Sentence 2:
- Adverb: nearly
- Adjective it modifies: new
Sentence 3:
- Adverb: amazingly
- Adjective it modifies: skillful
Sentence 4:
- Adverb: really
- Adjective it modifies: tasty
Sentence 5:
- Adverb: extremely
- Adjective it modifies: nice