1. Choose a topic:
Consider a challenge relevant to your field of study and narrow your focus to a specific method,
technique, or project designed to meet the challenge. (In other words, identify something happening in
your field that addresses the problem you chose.)
2. Find sources about your topic.
Conduct research on your selected topic. Find three sources related to your topic. At least one of those
sources must be from the NC Library.
• Potential sources include:
o scholarly sources
o popular sources
o non-text sources
o online source (public website)
o book, e-book, or report
Include links to sources. If a link is unavailable, provide information sufficient to find / verify source.
3. Evaluate research:
For each source:
• complete a CRAAP analysis (template & guidelines provided

Part 2 – Instructions:
Step One – Quotation:
Quote 1-2 sentences from ONE of your sources. Your quotation should include:
A signal phrase
Quotation marks
An IEEE in-text citation
(3 marks)
Step Two – Paraphrase:
Paraphrase the quotation you identified in step one. Your paraphrased sentence(s) should:
Share the same meaning as the original quotation
Contain significant word choice and sentence structure changes
Be grammatically sound
Contain an IEEE in-text citation
(4 marks)
Step Three – Reference Page Citation
Create an IEEE style reference page
Cite the source used in steps one and two

4 answers

No one will write this whole assignment for you, but someone might be able to check it if you post what you write. No rough drafts, please.
I want to know what exactly to do in this assignment?
start with #1 -- choose a topic.