Here is the parsing for each word in the sentence “Aedificavitne Ascanius, filius Aeneae, urbem Albam Longam?”:
- Lexical Form: aedificavit
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Tense: Perfect
- Voice: Active
- Mood: Indicative (with a question marker "ne")
- Person: Third
- Number: Singular
- Lexical Form: Ascanius
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Gender: Masculine
- Case: Nominative
- Number: Singular
- Meaning: Ascanius (the son of Aeneas)
- Lexical Form: filius
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Gender: Masculine
- Case: Nominative
- Number: Singular
- Meaning: son
- Lexical Form: Aeneas
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Gender: Masculine
- Case: Genitive
- Number: Singular
- Meaning: of Aeneas (indicating possession)
- Lexical Form: urbs
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Gender: Feminine
- Case: Accusative
- Number: Singular
- Meaning: city
- Lexical Form: Alba
- Part of Speech: Adjective (or Noun)
- Gender: Feminine
- Case: Accusative
- Number: Singular
- Meaning: (the) White (adjective used as part of a proper noun)
- Lexical Form: Longus
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Gender: Feminine
- Case: Accusative
- Number: Singular
- Meaning: Long (also used as part of a proper noun)
The entire sentence can be translated to English as: "Did Ascanius, son of Aeneas, build the city of Alba Longa?"