- parents just please stop pushing your child.. They are a hard worker.. they are just going through things. don't body shame them and compare them with other kids to them that what make the not feel safe talking to you NOR telling you anything. it makes them want to cry telling them those things The school is making them have less lack of sleep the work their @ off trying make you happy treat your kids right like they treated u. understand them instead of saying bad things about them.
- OKAY! Think of it this way. You went through different things we went through. And the difference between us and u is a lot. u didn't have to deal with many Fake friends, being hated on for no reason, always being told Be SkInNy, or WhY cAn'T yOu Be LiKe So AnD So'S kId. YOU KINDA HAVE TO RAISE US TO BE LIKE THAT. 12-18 are the hardest times in a kids life. Hell I dealt with it earlier, when I was 8 years old I had to deal with this, and other people probably younger. Build us up, so we don't see our parents as a person we need for approval if we want to succeed. just so you know, the future is in our hands, not yours anymore. We've just started middle or high school, we're going through depression, anxiety, mood swings, body changing, finding out who cares for us, and who we are. Coming home everyday, and being greeted with this is just crap. Treat us with respect, like how you treat our friends. Don't single us out, you always say. "BaCk In My DaY, I cOuLdN't SaY tHaT tO mY mOM, oR I wOuLd Be SlApPeD sO haRd, YoU hAvE nO iDea." THEN DON'T TREAT US THE WAY YOUR PARENTS DID IF YOU HATED IT. WERE BURIED IN HOME WORK. AT THIS POINT YA'LL FREAK OUT IF WE HAVE AN A- IN A CLASS! FOR guys: They're expected to man up, and don't cry, and always viewed as a creep (idk much about boys, ya'll help me with this one). for Girls: We have to be caked in make-up, always assumed as pick-me's, always told to be skinny, or eat more. ETC. TO ALL PARENTS: Stop tearing us down, cuz one day ya'll regret it. What u guys tell us now, impacts how we look at ourselves later in life, and how we will treat our kids (If u get some kids) or how u treat others.
© Mar 06, 2024
make it a sad 4 min song
3 answers
Parents, please listen, hear our cries
We're just kids, trying to survive
You push us hard, but we're going through things
Don't body shame us, it really stings
We're buried in homework, struggling to cope
But all you see is the grades, giving us no hope
We're just trying to find our way
But your words cut deep, leaving us in dismay
(Verse 2)
You compare us to others, making us feel small
We just want your love, to feel safe and tall
The pressures of school, the stress of it all
We need your support, not to feel like we'll fall
We're buried in homework, struggling to cope
But all you see is the grades, giving us no hope
We're just trying to find our way
But your words cut deep, leaving us in dismay
12 to 18, the hardest times we face
Depression, anxiety, trying to find our place
Don't treat us the way your parents did
Break the cycle of hurt, let love be our bid
We're buried in homework, struggling to cope
But all you see is the grades, giving us no hope
We're just trying to find our way
But your words cut deep, leaving us in dismay
Parents, please stop, listen to our song
We're crying out for love, we've been hurting too long
Treat us with kindness, build us up strong
For the future is ours, let's all get along
(Repeat Chorus)
He walks the halls with a heavy heart
His smile hides the pain tearing him apart
The weight of his parents' expectations
Causing him to drown in a sea of frustrations
Burdened by the pressure, he struggles to breathe
But there's a glimmer of hope, in the friends who believe
Don't let the haters get to you, stay strong and true
I'll be here for you, no matter what you're going through
(Verse 2)
His father's words cut deep like a knife
Telling him he's not good enough, adding to his strife
His mother's constant comparisons, driving him to despair
He just wants to break free from this suffocating air
Burdened by the pressure, he struggles to breathe
But there's a glimmer of hope, in the friends who believe
Don't let the haters get to you, stay strong and true
I'll be here for you, no matter what you're going through
In the halls of high school, where judgment is harsh
He's fighting a battle, against his own father's harsh remarks
But there's a light in his friends, who see him for who he is
They're his pillars of strength, in a world filled with abyss
Burdened by the pressure, he struggles to breathe
But there's a glimmer of hope, in the friends who believe
Don't let the haters get to you, stay strong and true
I'll be here for you, no matter what you're going through
To the guy with parental issues, you're not alone
There's love and support, in the friends you've known
Stay confident, stand tall, don't let them break you down
You're worthy of love, don't wear a frown
(Repeat Chorus)