Parents brought a four year old adopted daughter to see a psychiarist. The child was polite i greeting but did not smile and kept her gaze down as she took a seat. The parents explain their concerns. They described the child as quiet and who nows throws temper tamtrms, during which she is inconsolable. Her sleep and eating patterns have changed and she no longer wants to go to preschool.

What other information would we want to learn during the interview with te family? What questions would you need to ask?
In adition to clincical interview, what other clinical assessment tools whould be consider? Why

Although you need mor information to begin treatment, what factors might you take into cosideration in designing an effective intervention for this famil?

If you are preparing to diagnose the child would refer to DSM-IV classification system to evaluate her condition or five separate axis. What typeof information would go into each axis?

You are not to enter diagnosis, only describe the kind of information that would be entered in each axis.

Do you tink diagnosis would be beneficial or harmful? Explain why.

1 answer

What was her behavior before (beside being quiet)? When did the behavior change? Is there any known event that might have precipitated the change? If preschool is the only activity she avoids, I might suspect that something occurred there.

I hope this helps you.