(parent). My son's problem says "the product of a number and 17"...supposed to write as expression... I'm thinking it would be a 17x=y but he's adamant that because the word "and" is in the sentence that he needs to add something as well.... (no math books provided by school so I can't look it up) Please give me correct way to write it

3 answers

You are correct.

Ask him about these statements. The product of 2 and 4 is 8. We could also write it 2 times 4 equals 8.
No you are right. : 17x=y
that sentence means a number is multiplied by 17. since the number is unknown you would use "x". and it will give you your result "y".
Mrs. Sue. Please do more research before giving over 65% of us students wrong answers. :)