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There were three types of rationing. They involved certificates, coupons, and stamps. Local ration boards issued certificates for items that people did not buy often. Tires were one example. Ration coupons were issued for more-frequent purchases. They included gasoline and sugar. Ration stamps covered categories of foods. Red stamps were used for meat, fish, cheese, dairy products, and the like. Blue stamps were used for vegetables, canned fruits, and similar products. To buy anything, consumers needed both the stamps (or coupons) and money. Suppliers of goods had to account for their production, inventories, and shipments to wholesalers. That is, they had to keep track of how much they produced and what they did with it. Wholesalers had to account to federal examiners for their inventories. And at the retail level, consumers had to hand over stamps or coupons for rationed goods. Shop owners had to have stamps or coupons for everything they sold. This way they could prove that they had sold it legally.
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