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Translated from the Afrikaans meaning 'apartness', apartheid was the ideology supported by the National Party (NP) government and was introduced in South Africa in 1948. Apartheid called for the separate development of the different racial groups in South Africa. On paper it appeared to call for equal development and freedom of cultural expression, but the way it was implemented made this impossible. Apartheid made laws forced the different racial groups to live separately and develop separately, and grossly unequally too. It tried to stop all inter-marriage and social integration between racial groups. During apartheid, to have a friendship with someone of a different race generally brought suspicion upon you, or worse. More than this, apartheid was a social system which severely disadvantaged the majority of the population, simply because they did not share the skin colour of the rulers. Many were kept just above destitution because they were 'non-white'.

1 answer

Apartheid, derived from the Afrikaans word for 'apartness', was an ideology supported by the National Party government and implemented in South Africa in 1948. Apartheid aimed for the separate development of racial groups, supposedly promoting equal development and cultural freedom but failing to do so in practice. The laws enforced by apartheid required races to live and progress independently and unequally, prohibiting interracial relationships and social integration. This system not only caused suspicion and discrimination towards those who befriended individuals of a different race, but also systematically disadvantaged the majority of the population solely based on their skin color. Non-white individuals were kept in impoverished conditions, perpetuating economic and social inequality.