Paraphrase for me a short 2 or 3 paragraphs with similar ideas in causes of unemployment in PNG such as several factors contribute to unemployment in PNG; like economic factors, investment climate, education and skills mismatch, demographic trends, and Natural disasters and climate change.

With the APA referencing style citations.

1 answer

Unemployment in Papua New Guinea (PNG) can be attributed to a variety of interconnected factors. Economic variables, such as fluctuations in global commodity prices and limited diversification of the economy, play a significant role in job availability. Additionally, the investment climate in PNG is often hindered by regulatory challenges and political instability, leading to a lack of foreign and domestic investment that is crucial for job creation (World Bank, 2022).

Another contributing aspect is the mismatch between education and skills and the demands of the labor market. Many graduates enter the workforce without the necessary competencies that employers seek, resulting in a surplus of unqualified candidates competing for a limited number of positions (Asian Development Bank, 2021). Furthermore, demographic trends, including a rapidly growing youth population, exacerbate the situation by increasing the pool of job seekers. Natural disasters and the impacts of climate change further complicate the employment landscape in PNG, often displacing communities and disrupting economic activities (United Nations Development Programme, 2023).


Asian Development Bank. (2021). Papua New Guinea: Country Gender Assessment 2021.

United Nations Development Programme. (2023). Report on Climate Change and Displacement in PNG.

World Bank. (2022). Papua New Guinea Economic Monitoring.