Section 25(1) of the Constitution states that individuals cannot be deprived of their property except through laws that apply generally, and prohibits arbitrary confiscation. Section 25(2) specifies that property can only be expropriated for public purposes or in the public interest and must include compensation, which should be agreed upon by the affected parties or determined by a court. Section 25(3) outlines how appropriate compensation is to be calculated.
Paraphrase and summarise:
Section 25(1) of the Constitution provides that no one may be deprived of property
except in terms of law of general application, and no law may permit arbitrary
deprivation of property. Further, section 25(2) provides that property may be
expropriated only in terms of law of general application (a) for a public purposeor
in the public interest, and (b) subject to compensation, the amount of which and
the time and manner of payment of which have either been agreed to by those
a¡ected or decided or approved by a court. Section 25(3) provides for the calculation of appropriate compensation.
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