Paragraph One: the Resume Statement

I need to write a one paragraph resume statement. This paragraph will go at the top of my resume, and convince the human resource officer to take my application seriously. It must be persuasive.

Paragraph Two: The Website Summary

I need to write the website summary. This is the first thing a potential customer sees. When my site comes up in a search, a one paragraph statement of my product is presented. I also need to write the one paragraph statement that would come up when it gets a search hit.

This is the part I don't understand. Once I have written these paragraphs, I need write another paragraph explaining the difference in the sentences used. In each paragraph I need to persuade. I need to use the same kind of sentences to persuade - in terms of length, language, style.

My question is how do I do this? where do I start? I don't even know what this means! Please help!

1 answer

Write the two paragraphs, keeping in mind their purposes and audiences.

The paragraph to the human resource officer will likely be more formal and use longer sentences than the website paragraph.

After you've written the two paragraphs, then you can analyze them for the third paragraph.