i. The action force is the hammer hitting the nail, and the reaction force is the nail exerting an equal and opposite force on the hammer.
ii. The action force is Earth's gravity pulling down on you, and the reaction force is you pushing up against Earth.
iii. The action force is the helicopter blade pushing air downward, and the reaction force is the air pushing the helicopter blade upward.
iv. The action force is you stepping off the curb, and the reaction force is the curb exerting an equal and opposite force on you.
v. The action force is you patting your friend on the back, and the reaction force is your friend's back pushing against your hand.
vi. The action force is the wave hitting the rocky shore, and the reaction force is the rocky shore exerting an equal and opposite force on the wave.
pairs. 3. For each of the following interactions, identify action and reaction forces (action-reaction pairs): i. A hammer hits a nail. ii. Earth’s gravity pulls down on you. iii. A helicopter blade pushes air downward. iv. You step off a curb. v. You pat your friend on the back. vi. A wave hits a rocky shore.
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