Over the phone, a new patient who thinks she is pregnant with her first child asks the assistant what

the total fee will be for obstetric care. She seems nervous about it. Which is the best response?
A. The first examination will be $40 or $50, depending on how long the visit is. Before and after the
baby is born, each regular checkup will be $20. The fee for delivery is $650, the newborn physical
is $50, and daily visits to the nursery are $25 each. Along the way there will also be laboratory
fees for blood tests, urinalysis, cultures, and so on.We expect immediate payment for all services.
B. The total charge will depend on how many visits you make and how many tests are necessary,
but the total fee from the beginning of care until the last postpartum visit is usually around $1,200.
If you would like to come in, I would be happy to talk over the details and help with a payment
plan that suits your budget.
C. I’m very sorry, but I can’t really discuss fees ahead of time. You see, I don’t really know what the
charge will be until I get the charge slip where the doctor indicates the service rendered.
D. Oh, you shouldn’t worry yourself about that.Won’t your insurance cover it? The important thing
right now is to get the best possible prenatal care for you and the baby.

1 answer

You have only one logical and ethical choice. Which one do you think it is?