Over the past 50 years or so we experienced great changes. From equal rights, equal pay, civil rights, how we talk to each other, treat each other, now diversity training and of course all of this lead to first Black President of the United States.

A healthy person's beliefs will continue to change throughout their lifetime as one grows and has new ways of looking at the world.
Talk about your training and or understanding of diversity and multiculturalism to this point. Is it a part of your workplace, home life, background, etc?
If you have not heard of it or have had no training in it, what do you think it means and why would I post this as a first post and why have a class in it?
How will you honor and respect all cultures in this class, your team, the facilitator, etc? Other thoughts?

2 answers

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. (Notice all those instances of "you" in there? No one can write this except you!)

However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think.
Do you come into personal contact with people from other religious, racial, ethnic, nationality, cultural groups? It is very likely you do. If their beliefs and activities differ from yours, how do you respond to them? Why?