1. Alignment with the South African Constitution: The national curriculum statement must be aligned with the values, principles, and goals outlined in the South African Constitution, especially with regard to promoting social justice, equality, and human rights.
2. Comprehensive and inclusive content: The curriculum must provide a comprehensive education that includes a wide range of subjects and topics, as well as cater to the diverse needs of all learners, including those with disabilities and special educational needs.
3. Differentiated learning outcomes: The curriculum should define clear learning outcomes for each grade level and subject that are tailored to the needs and abilities of learners, allowing for differentiated learning experiences.
4. Assessment and evaluation guidelines: The curriculum should outline guidelines for assessing and evaluating learners' progress and achievement, including both formative and summative assessments to provide a holistic view of learners' abilities.
5. Professional development for educators: The curriculum should include provisions for ongoing professional development and support for educators to ensure they are equipped to effectively implement the curriculum and support the diverse needs of learners.
6. Support for learner well-being: The curriculum should promote the holistic development of learners, including their physical, emotional, and social well-being, and provide support services to address any barriers to learning.
7. Integration of indigenous knowledge systems: The curriculum should integrate indigenous knowledge systems and cultural practices, where appropriate, to promote a more inclusive and equitable education system.
8. Stakeholder consultation and collaboration: The development of the national curriculum statement should involve consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, including educators, learners, parents, and community members, to ensure their perspectives and needs are taken into account.
Outline the requirements for the national curriculum statement
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