Yes, your facts are right.
In the second sentence, don't you mean AFTER Mary died?
How about capitalization?
Do you know what this means? Please write it in your own words.
"transformed england from an isolated nation into world power"
Outline the achievement for Elizabeth I
I have got:
Elizabeth I was Henry VIII's and Anne Boleyn's daughter. As Mary died ELizabeth became Queen. She was well educated and spoke as well as read Latin and Greek, the classical languaged so admired by the Humanists.She was a great patron of the arts which she flourished under her rule.She never married and never shared her power with anyone.she transformed england from an isolated nation into world power. under her rule the english experiened a renaissance. she kept england from falling under the control of powerful countries such as Spain, and also saved England from religious problems.Her Sea dogs defeated the Spanish armada
is that all I need?
3 answers
yeah i meant after mary died, sorry. okay
Elizabeth I was Henry VIII's and Anne Boleyn's daughter. After Mary died ELizabeth became Queen. She was well educated and spoke as well as read Latin and Greek, the classical language so admired by the Humanists.She was a great patron of the arts which she flourished under her rule.She never married and never shared her power with anyone.
She changed England from an separated nation into world power. Under her rule the English experiened a Renaissance. she kept England from falling under the control of powerful countries such as Spain, and also saved England from religious problems.Her Sea dogs defeated the Spanish Armada.
is this good?
Elizabeth I was Henry VIII's and Anne Boleyn's daughter. After Mary died ELizabeth became Queen. She was well educated and spoke as well as read Latin and Greek, the classical language so admired by the Humanists.She was a great patron of the arts which she flourished under her rule.She never married and never shared her power with anyone.
She changed England from an separated nation into world power. Under her rule the English experiened a Renaissance. she kept England from falling under the control of powerful countries such as Spain, and also saved England from religious problems.Her Sea dogs defeated the Spanish Armada.
is this good?
Yes. This is good, now.