Out of gravity filtration, suction filtration, centrifuging or decanting, in general which process is the most rapid, and which is the least costly in terms of equipment, and which is the least efficient (decanting)? and using all 4 processes the precipitates are all separated or are some not? thank you
3 answers
In what context do you ask this question? Is this a prelab group of questions or an idle interest? My point is that if you have the slightest idea of these filtration processes and have seen each piece of equipment, it appears to me that you know or can reason out the answers. Finally, your last sentence mentions four processes BUT you only have questions about three.
It's prelab. I will wait for the lab just wanted to get a jump start but guess I should be patient. The last questions was about all 4 gravity, suction, centrifuging and decanting
thank You
thank You
I see gravity now that you point it out to me. I think after you see these four in action you will know quickly how to answer the questions. Please post again if you have any problems.