Our town should double its fines for speeding. Studies show that higher fines result in less speeding, so increasing the fees should improve safety. There is no reason not to do this. If people can afford to pay a $50 fine, then surely they should be able to pay a $100 fine as well.

How sound is the reasoning given to support the claim “Our town should double its fines for speeding” Explain your response in 3 to 5 sentences

1 answer

The reasoning presented has some merit, as studies do suggest that higher fines can lead to reduced speeding and, consequently, improved safety. However, the argument overlooks important factors, such as the economic impact on lower-income individuals who may struggle to pay even a $50 fine. Doubling the fines could lead to inequities and frustration among those who may already find the original fines burdensome. Additionally, the assumption that people who can afford a $50 fine can easily pay a higher fine fails to consider variations in individual financial circumstances. Therefore, while the goal of enhancing safety is valid, the proposed solution may not be equitable or effective for all residents.