Other than the canal, what draws tourists to Panama?

A.Tourists come to experience the wide variety of ethnic cultures in Panama.
B.Ecotourists come to see the wide variety of plants and animals in the rain forests.
C.Ecotourists come to see the way that Panama has developed its factories.
D.Tourists come to enjoy the cool climate and the modern resort hotels.

What makes growing food in Panama difficult?
A.the large number of rain forests
B.the size of the canal
C.the cold climate in the high mountains
D.the urban development around the area of the canal

How is the toll for passing through the Panama Canal determined?
A.by the ship’s weight
B.by international treaty
C.by the country of origin for the ship
D.by the ship’s length

In what way are many factories in Panama similar to the maquiladoras in Mexico?
A.They manufacture mostly clothing for United States markets.
B.They pay such low wages that it is difficult for factory workers to make a living.
C.They assemble parts imported from abroad and then export the finished products.
D.They are owned by foreign countries and their products are sold locally.

Which resulted in the United States turning all control of the canal over to Panama?

A.two new treaties signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1977
B.the United States’ fear of attack by Panama
C.a vote by the United Nations Security Council
D.the requirements of the original treaty in the early 1900s

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