Other than a specific confirmatory test, give a simple test that would allow you to distinguish between the following pairs of anions and cations. Tell what you would do and what you should observe for each anions and cations.

a. CO3 2- and NO3 -
b. Br- and NO3-
c. Cl- and SO4 2-
d. S2 - and I -
a. Ag+ and Cu 2+
b. Ca 2+ and Zn 2+
c. Fe 3+ and Al 3+
d. Al 3 + and Zn 2+

1 answer

This is really a question you need to know how to answer. It is a good test of the chemistry you know. For example,
a. Most carbonates are insoluble. Most nitrates are soluble. So try dissolving in water.
c. Cl and SO4. Add BaCl2. The sulfate gives a white ppt of BaSO4.

c. Most Fe^+3 solutions have a reddish brown color. Most Al^+3 solutions are colorless.