1. Jesus of Nazareth: The founder of Christianity is Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish preacher and religious leader who lived in the first century AD in the region of Judea.
2. Apostles: Jesus chose twelve disciples, known as apostles, to spread his teachings and establish the early Christian Church.
3. Crucifixion and Resurrection: According to Christian belief, Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died on the cross. However, Christians also believe that he was resurrected three days later, showcasing his power over death.
4. Spread of Christianity: After Jesus' death and resurrection, his apostles and followers began spreading his teachings, eventually establishing Christian communities throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.
5. Persecution and acceptance: Christians initially faced persecution under the Roman Empire for their beliefs, but eventually Christianity was accepted and even became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD.
Origins of Christianity quick check
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