ORGANIZATION AL ANALYSIS · Select one public sector not-for-profit health agency within the United States health care system. · Prepare a 1,050-1,400 word paper in APA format describing the type of health organization: government, quasi-government, or voluntary. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE JOINT COMMISSION/JCAHO! Other examples include: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Indian Health Service, Quality Improvement Organizations (QIO), the American Heart Association, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ), and teaching institutions. · Explain the agency’s function and responsibilities. · Identify at least three (3) stakeholders impacted by this component and how they are affected. · This will require in-depth research into the organization. Read the assignment description and syllabus for details about the required type and number of references.</p><p>PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER MY POST!!!!! I REALLY NEDD TO TURN IN THIS PAPER.</p>
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