-x = (3/8) / (1/2)
-x = (3/8) * (2/1)
x = -6/8 = -3/4
An easy way to check your fraction problems is to convert the fractions to decimals and use your calculator.
3/8 = 0.375
1/2 = 0.5
0.375/0.5 = 0.75
Or, eliminating fractions, I should say.
So, I need some help. See, I am really not a big fan of fractions. But I need to eliminate fractions to do a math problem. First one is 1/2-x=3/8. I know how to find LCD, then multiply both sides, distributive property, etc etc. But here's where I'm stuck. 4-8x = ___
I multiplied 3/8 by 8, I got 24/64. THIS is where I don't know what to do. I'd appreciate help ASAP.
2 answers
Pherhaps I should clarify. I have
4-8x=24/64. I need to solve this, but I have to eliminate all fractions first. I can solve it once the fraction is gone. But how do I eliminate it?
4-8x=24/64. I need to solve this, but I have to eliminate all fractions first. I can solve it once the fraction is gone. But how do I eliminate it?