Operating wavelength : 449 nm

Absorbance of solution 1 - Standard Dichromate-H2O : 0.560 a.u.
Absorbance of solution 2 - Standard Dichromate-Ethanol (Standard) : 0.480 a.u.
Absorbance of solution 3 - Standard Dichromate-Ethanol (Defendant) : 0.466 a.u.
Mass of dichromate in Solution 1 : 6.25 mg

Enter the following calculated data from the calibration of the Breath-Analyzer:

Mass of dichromate in Solution 2 : 5.36 mg

Mass of dichromate consumed :

Number of moles of dichromate consumed :

Number of moles of ethanol consumed :

Mass of ethanol consumed :

i know the first one but not the others, please help tysm!