When I used a colored filter and a colored lightbulb, the light that came out looked different than I expected. This happened because the filter only lets certain colors through, and if the lightbulb's color is different, it can mix together to create a whole new color! Our eyes see these colors based on the light that reaches them, so the combination of the filter and the bulb changes what we see.
Open the color vison simulation and select Single Bulb. Click the button to turn on the flashlight, and toggle the filter switch to add a filter in front of the flashlight. Adjust the Filter Color and Bulb Color sliders to change the light color and the filter color, and observe what color the eye perceives.
What happened when you used a colored filter and a colored lightbulb? Using your knowledge of the human eye, explain why this happened.3 simple sentences,sound like a 5 grader
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