Open a web browser of your choice and go to a search engine. Use appropriate search techniques to show only PDF results for Yellowstone National Park trails. Take a screenshot of your Google results (including what you searched) and paste it in your word processing document.

Step 3: Organize Your File
From your search results in Step 2, find a link that has a trail map and description. Download the PDF and save it to a folder called Yellowstone on your computer. Take a screenshot of your PDF inside the folder and paste it in your word processing document.

Create a folder inside Yellowstone called Hikes and move your PDF inside. Take another screenshot of your PDF inside the Hikes folder.

Step 4: Find an Online Forum
Online forums are great places to read about other people’s experiences and find information that may pertain to you. Find out what the best Yellowstone day hikes are by locating an online forum where people have discussed day hikes. (Note: It must be a discussion forum, not an article or a blog.) Take a screenshot and paste it in your word processing document.

Step 5: Is the Forum Reputable?
Check out how reputable your forum is by using the backlink checker on Monitor Backlinks. Take a screenshot of the results and paste it in your word processing document.

Step 6: Reflect on Your Experience
Take some time to reflect on your experience of using a browser to find specific, relevant information and organizing your file in a folder. Consider the following questions to guide your reflection:

Were the processes similar to or different from how you normally find and save information? How?
What parts did you find easy? What parts did you find challenging?
Did you come across any information that you knew was irrelevant? How could you tell?
What parts of the scavenger hunt might you start implementing in your normal computer activities (e.g., organizing files into folders with more descriptive names)? Why?
Step 7: Document Your Reflection
Record your reflection in a format of your choosing. You might opt to write them in a journal entry in your word processing document along with your screenshots. Or you could create a poster, digital graphic, or audio recording.

1 answer

As an AI language model, I am unable to perform actions such as taking screenshots or accessing the internet directly. However, I can help guide you through the steps involved in completing the tasks provided.

Step 2: Search for Yellowstone National Park trails
1. Open a web browser of your choice.
2. Go to a search engine (e.g., Google).
3. In the search bar, type "Yellowstone National Park trails".
4. To specify that you only want PDF results, you can add "filetype:pdf" to your search query. So your search query would be "Yellowstone National Park trails filetype:pdf".

Step 3: Download and save a PDF trail map
1. From the search results, find a link that provides a trail map and description in PDF format.
2. Click on the link to open the PDF.
3. In your web browser, go to "File" > "Save As" or right-click and choose "Save As" to download the PDF.
4. Save the PDF to a folder called "Yellowstone" on your computer.
5. Take a screenshot of the downloaded PDF inside the "Yellowstone" folder and paste it into your word processing document.
6. Create a sub-folder inside the "Yellowstone" folder called "Hikes".
7. Move the downloaded PDF into the "Hikes" folder.
8. Take another screenshot of the PDF inside the "Hikes" folder and paste it into your word processing document.

Step 4: Find an online forum discussing Yellowstone day hikes
1. Go back to your web browser.
2. Search for an online forum where people discuss day hikes in Yellowstone National Park.
3. Look for a forum thread specifically discussing the best Yellowstone day hikes.
4. Take a screenshot of the forum thread and paste it into your word processing document.

Step 5: Check the reputation of the forum using Monitor Backlinks
1. Go to the Monitor Backlinks website (
2. Use the backlink checker tool to analyze the reputation of the forum.
3. Take a screenshot of the results from the backlink checker and paste it into your word processing document.

Step 6: Reflection
Take some time to reflect on your experience and answer the provided questions in a format of your choosing, such as a journal entry in your word processing document or any other format you prefer.

Step 7: Document Your Reflection
Record your reflection, along with the screenshots and any other relevant information, in a format of your choosing.