Open a new PowerPoint presentation. (Note that you will add to this presentation in future lessons to complete your portfolio item.) Your presentation should be three slides long and should include the following components: a title slide one slide about your current study habits titled Current Study Habits (In this slide, include a bullet point in which you describe an aspect of your study habits that is challenging for you.) one slide about your methods for studying for a test titled Test Preparation Slide Content – Make sure your slides are informative yet concise. Use the bullet points provided in the slide layouts—you don’t need complete sentences. Make sure you address the elements of study strategies and test preparation from the lesson. Presentation Appearance – You want your presentation to be clear and interesting to look at. Remember the many tools you learned about in Unit 3 to enhance the appearance and clarity of a presentation. You should select a Design theme and change fonts and colors as needed. You may want to include text animations and images to enhance your presentation. An image bank is available as you are working through your presentation. To add an image from the image bank, select it, and copy it using the Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut. Then go to the desired location in your portfolio presentation, and paste the image there using the Ctrl + V keyboard shortcut.
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