ooglopend: Dis ooglopend. Dit is iets wat duidelik raak te sien is. *It is obvious.

oor: Iemand se ore van sy kop af praat. Baie gesels/babbel. *Talk someone's head off.
oorlas: (Tot) 'n oorlas wees. Iemand onnodige moeite aandoen. *Be a nuisance. +Make a nuisance of oneself.
oos: Oos wes, tuis bes. Daar is geen beter plek as die eie tuiste nie. *There is no place like home.
opskud: Julle moet opskud! Julle moet gou maak! *You must hurry up!
oulaas: Vir oulaas. Vir die allerlaaste maal. *For the last time.
pad: In die pad steek. Wegjaag. +Ontslaan. *Send someone packing. +Dismiss someone.
pannekoekweer: Koue/reënerige weer wanneer 'n mens lus het vir pannekoek. *The right weather for pancakes.
pen: Aan die pen ry. Verantwoording doen. *Be called to account.
pens: (Met) pens en pootjies. Met jou hele liggaam. *Neck and crop. +Boots and all.
perk: Alle perke oorskry (te buite gaan). Iets ongeoorloofs doen. +Te ver gaan. *Exceed all limits. +Go too far.
platsak: Platsak wees. *Have no money.
translate afrikaans words in english

1 answer

Here are the translations of the provided Afrikaans phrases into English:

  1. ooglopend: obvious - It is something that is clearly noticeable.
  2. oor: talk someone's head off - To chat or talk a lot.
  3. oorlas: be a nuisance - To cause unnecessary trouble or annoyance.
  4. oos: there is no place like home - Home is the best place.
  5. opskud: you must hurry up - You need to make haste.
  6. oulaas: for the last time - For the very last occasion.
  7. pad: send someone packing / dismiss someone - To drive someone away.
  8. pannekoekweer: the right weather for pancakes - Cold/rainy weather that makes one crave pancakes.
  9. pen: be called to account - To be held responsible.
  10. pens: neck and crop / boots and all - With your entire body.
  11. perk: exceed all limits / go too far - To act inappropriately or overstep boundaries.
  12. platsak: have no money - To be broke or out of funds.

If you have more phrases or need further assistance, feel free to ask!