only when families are more articulate with identifying their needs and when builders and ploicy become more sensitive to human needs will the nation have a variety of good housing desinged,built,and seviced.if this sentnce was rewrote begginging with the nation the next words will be

a)are more articulate
b)serviced in line
c)become more sensitive

7 answers

If I understand what you've posted (and there's no guarantee that I do), I don't think any of the three are correct.

I'm guessing your question reads thus:
Only when families are more articulate with identifying their needs and when builders and policy become more sensitive to human needs will the nation have a variety of good housing designed, built, and serviced.

If this sentence were rewritten beginning with "the nation" the next words will be
a)are more articulate
b)serviced in line
c)become more sensitive

But none of the three choices will make sense:

The nation are more articulate...
The nation serviced in line...
The nation become more sensitive...

This is a badly written question. You should point it out to your teacher and ask for an explanation.

well the next two choices are d)will have and e)identifying thier needs
You should have included these two choices the first time!

The nation will have ...
The nation identifying their needs...

Which one do you think makes sense?

the nation identifying thier needs
You need to think about how the ENTIRE sentence will go together. If you start with "The nation identifying their needs" how will the rest of the sentence go. What's the verb that will go with the subject "nation"?

And to whom is "their" (plural) referring??

it will ,ake sense if it said the nation is more articulate with identifying thier needs.. i really am confused do you know which one would you choose?
The nation will have a variety of good housing designed, built, and serviced only when families are more articulate with identifying their needs and when builders and policy become more sensitive to human needs.

This revision above is how I believe the whole sentence is intended to be revised -- by exchanging the main clause ("will the nation have a variety of good housing designed, built, and serviced.") with the subordinate clause ("Only when...). When exchanging these two clauses, the verb and subject will need to be put into normal English word order -- subject, then verb -- thus changing "will the nation have" to "the nation will have" -- make sense??
