One way to reduce school waste by lunch ladies cooking better is by planning meals more thoughtfully. By taking the time to consider the amount of food that needs to be made, lunch ladies can avoid overpreparing and ultimately wasting food. This can be achieved by accurately estimating the number of students who will be eating that day and adjusting the portion sizes accordingly. Additionally, lunch ladies can work with school administrators to create a menu that offers a variety of options while also preventing excess food from being discarded.

Another way to reduce school waste is by incorporating more sustainable ingredients into school meals. Lunch ladies can choose to use locally sourced, organic produce and meats, which not only helps support local farmers but also reduces the carbon footprint of the meals. By prioritizing seasonally available ingredients, lunch ladies can create meals that are fresher and more flavorful, ultimately leading to less uneaten food being thrown away. Additionally, implementing composting practices in the kitchen can help reduce food waste even further by diverting scraps and leftovers from landfills and turning them into nutrient-rich soil for school gardens or local community projects.

parphrase this and make it sound as if a smart 7th grader wrote it

1 answer

One way lunch ladies can help reduce school waste is by planning meals more carefully. They can make sure to only cook the right amount of food by estimating how many students will be eating that day. They can also work with school staff to create a menu that offers a variety of options without making too much food.

Another way to reduce waste is by using ingredients that are better for the environment. Lunch ladies can choose to use locally sourced, organic produce and meats to support local farmers and reduce the carbon footprint of meals. They can also compost kitchen scraps to turn them into soil for school gardens or community projects. By using fresher ingredients and composting, lunch ladies can help make school meals more sustainable and less wasteful.