one rich source of fallacies is the media,television,radio,magazines, and the internet(including of course, commericals)Identify two distinct fallacies you see committed in the media. Do you think it is more likely that you will not be fooled by these fallacies having studied logic?What do you think those presenting these arguments assume about the logical skills of their viewwrs?Is this a good or bd assumption for the to make? Please help me with this question. Thank You
9 answers
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can you give me some some information about the question that I am require about for a very good answer. Please
I already posted this link for you. Did you read it????
This site has many examples and explanations of why they are fallacies.
Which of those many fallacies have you heard or seen?
This site has many examples and explanations of why they are fallacies.
Which of those many fallacies have you heard or seen?
Thank You for this information, I will try to go from the information that you gave me. I truly think you.
You're very welcome.
I need an example of an outline for my essay paper on should physician-assisted suicide be legal,thesis,argument,counter-thesis and counter-argument.response to counter-thesis
To support a scientific hypothesis, one might
To support a scientific hypothesis, one might think is look very hard for a chicken that can fly.
One rich source of fallacies is the media: television, radio, magazines, and the Internet (including, of course, commercials.) Identify two distinct fallacies you see committed in the media. Do you think it is more likely that you will not be fooled by these fallacies having studied logic? What do you think those presenting these arguments assume about the logical skills of their viewers? Is this a good or bad assumption for them to make?