One reason carbon monoxide (CO) is toxic in that it bind to the blood protein hemoglobin more

strongly than oxygen does. The hemoglobin – CO bond absorbs radiation of 1953 cm–1, which are in
units of wavenumbers. Wavenumber is defined as the reciprocal of wavelength, in units of cm.
Calculate the wavelength, in nm, frequency, and energy of the absorbed radiation.

3 answers

1/wave number = wavelength in cm then convert to nm.
c = frequency x wavelength
delta E = h*frequency
delta E in joules, frequency in Hz, h is Planck's constant.
so it would be 1/1953 = 5.12e-4 cm and then just convert that to nm?
yes. When you convert wavelength to frequency, be aware that the formula is
USUALLY with c in meters/second (3 x 10^8 m/s) so you will need to convert to wavelength in meters to use that value for c. But once you have wavelength in nm, just multiply by 10^-9 and you will have meters.