One of the most popular artists of the 1700s was Rosalba Carriera. She was born in Venice in 1675, and from her childhood she showed artistic talent. When she was 30, in 1705, the Roman Academy honored her as a painter of miniatures. Fifteen years later, in the spring of 1720, Rosalba Carriera was invited to visit Paris. She was elected to the French Academy of Painting and Sculpture within six months of her arrival in Paris. Her father was a politician, and her mother was a lacemaker. It was the peak of her artistic career. In the spring of 1721, Rosalba Carriera returned to her home in Venice, where she remained until her death in 1757. During her lifetime she was well known for her pastel portraits and allegorical paintings. what is the sentence in each one that breaks the unity of the paragraph?
2 answers
In each one what??