D. The movement for child labor reform, public health improvements, and educational advancements.
One of the key targets of the Progressive movement was corrupt and undemocratic political machines . Progressives sought to revitalize democracy by introducing direct primary elections, direct election of senators, initiatives and referenda, and women's suffrage . They believed that these reforms would give the people more control over their government and ensure that it was truly representative of their interests .
Another major focus of the Progressive Era was the regulation of big businesses and monopolies . Progressives believed that these powerful corporations were exploiting workers and consumers, and they sought to promote fair competition through trust-busting and antitrust laws . They also advocated for the creation of new government agencies to oversee and regulate industries .
The Progressive Era also saw a surge in social reform movements, aimed at improving the lives of the poor and working class . These movements focused on issues such as child labor, public health, and education . Progressives believed that by addressing these social problems, they could create a more just and equitable society for all Americans .
The Progressive Era was a time of great change and upheaval in the United States. It was a period of both progress and conflict, as reformers struggled to address the challenges of a rapidly changing society. While the Progressive Era did not solve all of the problems it sought to address, it laid the foundation for many of the social and political reforms that continue to shape American society today .
What were some of the social reform movements that emerged during the Progressive Era?
A. The abolition of slavery, the fight for women's rights, and the movement for civil rights.
B. The movement for environmental protection, the fight against animal cruelty, and the promotion of vegetarianism.
C. The movement for peace and disarmament, the fight against poverty, and the promotion of social justice.
D. The movement for child labor reform, public health improvements, and educational advancements.
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