One of the holes on a golf course lies due east of the tee. A novice golfer flubs his tee shots so that the ball lands only 64 m directly northeast of the tee. He then slices the ball 30 degrees south of east so that the ball lands in a sand trap 127 m away. Frustrated, the golfer then blasts the ball out of the sand trap, and the ball lands at a point 73 m away at an angle 27 degrees north of east. At this point, the ball is on the putting green and 14.89 m due north of the hole. To his amazement, the golfer then sinks the ball with a single shot.

1. In the space provided, choose a scale, then draw a sketch of the displacement for each shot the golfer made. Label the magnitude of each vector and the angle of each vector relative to the horizontal axis.

I am really bad at diagraming things, so can somebody list step by step how I would sketch this problem?

2. Use algebraic formulas to find x and y components of each displacement vector.

Shot 1 x component _______ y component _______
Shot 2 x component _______ y component _______
Shot 3 x component _______ y component _______
Shot 4 x component _______ y component _______

I just need to know what algebraic formulas I would use to solve this problem.


Vertical component= velocity*sinTheta
Horizonal component=velocity*cosTheta

You really should understand why these are so.....If you don't understand it, you are in big trouble ahead.

1 answer

I need the answer