well, r^2 = 4785^2+1140^2, so the circle's radius is 4919 feet.
x^2+y^2 = 4949^2
Now just use your knowledge of the areas of circles and squares to answer the questions.
One method of irrigating crops is called the center picot system. This system rotates a sprinkler pipe from the center of the field to be irrigated. Suppose a farmer places one of these units at the center of a square plot of land 2500 feet on each side. With the center of this plot at the origin, the irrigator sends out water far enough to reach a point located at (4785, 1140)
A) Find an equation representing the farthest points the water can reach.
b) Find the area of the land that receives water directly
c) About what percent of the farmer's plot does not receive water directly?
1 answer