One kilogram of dry air at STP conditions is exposed to 1.00 R of X-rays. One roentgen is defined by Equation 32.1 in Section 32.1. An equivalent definition can be based on the fact that an exposure of one roentgen deposits 8.30 x 10-3 J of energy per kilogram of dry air. Using the two definitions and assuming that all ions produced are singly charged, determine the average energy (in eV) needed to produce one ion in air.

So I understand that I need to use the equation E=q/m but I don't know how to get it into MeV. Help Please?

4 answers

To make conversions, go to google, type in "xxjoules to mev" or "xxjolules to electron volts" without the quotation marks and hit the enter button.
in describing an equilibrium reaction involving hydrogen gas, iodine gas, and hydrogen iodide gas, all of the statements about equation Q=[Hl]2 divide [H2][l2]are true except for which one?
Debbie's question isn't complete.
the structural formula,with atoms A,B,and C unspecified,is? [Q2] the formula is C3 H6 Br2 If the compounds is called 1,2-dibromopropane, A,B,and C must be...what?