just turn all those words into algebra:
If there are
x mg of vitamin C in a glass of apple juice
y mg in a glass of orange juice
then consider the amount of vitamin C as described above:
x+y = 180
4x+3y = 637.4
now just find x and y
It could have been worse; the glasses might have been of different sizes!
One eight-ounce glass of apple juice and one eight-ounce glass of orange juice contain a total of 180 milligrams of vitamin C. Four eight-ounce glasses of apple juice and three eight-ounce glasses of orange juice contain a total of 637.4 milligrams of vitamin C. How much vitamin C is in an eight-ounce glass of each type of juice?
apple juice ___ mg
orange juice __ mg
3 answers
Helped a lot thank you